Patient Safety
Caregiver Checklist for Medical Staff
En Español | You and/or your caregiver, can contribute and ensure that adequate care is received and aligned with your preferences, by providing medical staff with some essential items. Sharing as much information as possible about how you care for yourself and what are your preferred treatments are will facilitate the delivery of care. A practical solution is to keep a copy of the most relevant information in your smart phone.
Keep a copy of these documents available and handy.
Health Insurance Card(s): Doctor’s offices and hospitals always ask for a copy of your insurance card.
List of Medications: Have a Medication Log with you at all times, to list your medications, vitamins and supplements.
Healthcare Proxy: In order to speak and make medical decisions for your parent or patient, assuming they cannot, you will need to show this document. You can ask medical staff to provide the form if you do not have one.
Advanced Healthcare Directive: Outlines the patient’s medical preferences regarding treatment in more detail than a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR.)
Power of Attorney (if applicable): Gives you legal authority to take legal and/or financial actions on behalf of a family member or a patient.